Welcome to the Cancer Culture Newsletter

What is Cancer Culture?

Cancer Culture is the belief that surviving cancer isn't just about beating the disease; it's about embracing strength, courage, and empowerment every step of the way. Gone are the days of fearing the C-word. Cancer Culture is here to redefine the narrative, showing the world that cancer is not a barrier to living a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Content you can expect this newsletter to share:

  • Stories from the cancer community

  • News on the state of oncology medicine

  • Event information

  • Survivorship education and transparency

  • Product Recommendations

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This newsletter is free, but you have the option to support it financially through either monthly or annual donations. Your support will help to offset the ongoing costs for my medical treatment, as well as provide financial support to chancer-related charities of my choosing.

Welcome and thank you for your audience

Together, let's cancel out fear and embrace strength.

Subscribe to Cancer Culture

A personal newsletter sharing my experience as a long-term cancer patient


30-something Enterprise SaaS Technology Leader living in Chicago, IL. Michigan Made, Uncle, Entrepreneur, WMU Alum, World Traveler, One-Time Artist, Stage IV Cancer Survivor, and Cat Dad.